Save Your Sanity While Saving Your Wallet

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Written by Zachary Britt
Stress can do more than just tax your body.
It can break the bank account too, and interrupt your family life. We all know healthcare can be quite expensive. On top of that, it still seems to cost more than I ever anticipate when I have to go to the doctor, pay for medications, and then go back to make sure the treatment is working. While, often it is still wise to do, there are a bevy of other ways that we can reduce the stress in our daily lives that are likely to cost substantially less, or better yet are totally free! In this article I will be breaking down just a few of those ways, as well as highlighting the importance of reducing stress, after all we're just human beings that have needs and many of you readers have little humans that need you.
"I know I need to prioritize my mental health, I just put it off."
Well, you might want to rethink your priorities, fellow parents and people in general. I am one that always suffers from feeling like there are just too many things to get done and not enough hours in the day. It gets easy to fall into a routine and feel as though adopting new habits isn't even possible, let alone worth it. As a parent who has seen some benefit from stress management, and that benefit be recognized by my own toddler, I can attest it is more than worth it to try and prevent burnout.
What is burnout? Well Dr. Christopher Min, a pediatric psychologist explains that burnout is a form of chronic exhaustion caused by prolonged periods of stress. It can make you fatgiued, apathetic, detached, even irritable towards things you wouldn't normally be. Take it from me, burnout can leave you looking in the mirror and not recognizing who is even looking back.

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"I want to feel like myself again."
Trust me, your little one does too. They might not be able to say it but kids are like little sponges, always absorbing information around them, and they can definitely sense when your mood has taken a turn for the worst. The good news is, there are multiple ways that are easy enough to work into your occasional routine that don't break the bank and will go a long way towards helping you prevent burnout. If you feel yourself feeling detached, snapping at your children more, experiencing a loss of patience, or decreased compassion for your child than give one or more of these suggestions a try:
Avoid Immediate Reactions.
It can be tough to avoid the urge to snap at bad behavior or a disrespectful action but it will help both you and your child if you take a minute to think about the angle you want to take when approaching talking to your child. It can be important to be stern, but harsh negative reactions will only leave both parties feeling worse. If you feel anger rising within yourself, there is nothing wrong with communicating that you need to step away for a moment. That gives mom and dad a minute to collect themselves while also normalizing mental health priorities as well as healthy communication to your child. You're saving yourself the guilt, while also helping them learn a valuable lesson!
Talk To Other Parents.
Speaking again from experience, I know it can really feel like you are all alone in your situation when the days are really bearing down on you, but that is almost never true! Try being vulnerable, and opening up to other parents about how you are feeling. It can be a little scary to do so, but the perspective you stand to gain and the relief of knowing that you're not alone is worthwhile. So get outside of your comfort zone and see just how much more comfortable that can make you!
Practice Breathing Exercises.
The first time a therapist told me to work on my breathing I almost practiced my laughter instead. However, as silly it may sound there is a science behind it. According to News Medical, diaphragmatic breathing, also known as breathing with the belly and not the chest, has been successfully used to reduce fatigue in certain patients recovering from surgies. It has also been known to help children with asthma and has shown to help people of all ages with the management of acute stressful tasks! Sound familiar? Maybe not, but accute stressful tasks likely make up a lot of mine, yours, and many other parent's days. Needless to say practicing breathing can really allow for a breath of fresh air in your life!
Look Into Holistic Methods.
I am not naturally the most spiritual individual, but holistic health practices have shown me that I can fill in a lot of the holes within my own stress management. Many of these techniques also are low-cost, and very approachable. Search the internet for a local mediation group, or yoga class at your local community center. The very doctrines that these practices are founding on are of a welcoming nature! I was so delighted when I stepped into my first yoga class only to be greeted by the utmost kindness, and even praise and acknowledgement for stepping out of my comfort zone. I was the only one in my class even remotely in my generation, as it was a passive yoga session predominantly for retired persons. By the end of it, I made some new friends that I wouldn't have crossed paths with otherwise, as well as learned some valuable stretching techniques I implement into my routine to this very day. A lot of holistic health classes and sessions have communities surrounding them you might not even realize exist in your local neighborhood! On top of what you can learn about your own mental health, you can also gain companionship from others seeking to better themselves.
Hang In There Mom's And Dad's.
I know it can be hard, it can feel like there is no light at the end of the tunnel, or an end in sight to the day. That is a part of our job as parents and why they say we occupy one of the toughest yet most fulfilling roles in life! However, consider some of these methods listed above as the struggles of parenting do not have to result in traumatic memories for you, your child, or even your bank statement! I believe in you, and if you get out of your shell, you might be surprised to find who else does too! Be sure to stay on the lookout for more of The Sleepy Dad!

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